So our first married Valentine's day was a little bit less exciting than how most people celebrate the holiday as newlyweds.
My sweet husband had a double header- well thats what they call it in think they call it that in basketball? Well I say yes. Anyways he had two basketball games and he was coaching at 7pm. I had school and work all day until 6 and then went to the game. The girls parents were pretty sympathetic- "Awwwww"- they said "I'm sorry your this is your valentines day- thats so sad!" I wasn't really feeling too bad about it- not until then anyways! But there are couples who have it worse. A girl in one of my classes wouldnt see her husband at all- he worked at a restraunt and was working from 6pm to 1am- her plans were going to the gym to watch the Bachelor. I was grateful I at least got to sit from the bleachers and watch my husband!
I also lost my phone during the day- which really should not seem like as big of deal as it is but I was freaking out. But I would like to state for the record that I didnt realize I lost it until I was done with classes....which MEANS- I was NOT texting during class. Yeah- thats a big deal...I've got senior-itis to the extreme, OK? Don't Judge! always- I was getting ahead of myself thinking "What am I going to do tomorrow to wake up...I dont have an alarm clock!" was 2pm when I lost it. Alright- I admit it- I'm a little dramatic!
But the girl who found it got ahold of Cole (he mocked me later- dont you worry!) and she brought it to me at work. Bless the little hearts of honest BYU students!
So after the game- we had to go to Provo to pick up my car and then spent a little quality Valentines day time with the Burley Boys. We live quite the life of romance, do we not? But its always fun to see them. And then we headed for home.
By the time we made it to our apartment, we were ready for bed. We crawled into pajamas and I washed my face and brushed my teeth along with the rest of my nightly routine...I swear it feels like hours when you're that tired! When I came to lie down- Cole had chocolates and his Valentines Day Journal on my nightstand and he was pretending to be asleep! I love my husband! It doesn't matter what we do, how simple or crazy or hectic that our Valentines Day was- he knew just the perfect way to show me he loves me. I have the greatest husband and I'm so lucky to have him. We laugh a lot, we love each other more every day, and we can't wait for what the future holds.
8 months in and still Head Over Heels!!!
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