Friday, February 4, 2011

It's been a pretty spectacular day! I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps its the fact that I slept through my athletic training class for the third time this week. Which if you havent figured out...means I didnt go at all this whole week! Ok- and lets be honest. It's not even early. Well thats not is early- for ME! I feel like the optimal time for sleeping is when everyone else wakes up... between 8am-10am...awwww Nirvana!

Though I've missed class and have a ton of reading and making up to do- some how its worth it...I'm in a fantastic, wonderful, very good mood- which I'm sure the patients I work with will be thrilled with.

But I did end up going to my personal training class- which I really love. For my exercise perscription class- I have to write an exercise program and try to get it published in a magazine. And for a required assignment for a class...I'm super excited about it. Rare- I know! A few of my classes this semester have made me really enjoy my major! What I'm working on is the differences between tradition training and functional fitness. When my teacher first started talking about functional fitness...I thought it was a crock- but the more we've done with it, I really think its amazing! Its about strengthening the correct muscles and relaxing muscles that are overcompensating. The big thing with functional fitness is foam rolling. Sounds stupid right? It kinda looks stupid too...but its awesome! It's about being pain free because when you're body isn't working properly or is trying to correct imbalances its almost always accompanied by more than mild discomfort. Its more than just getting out and's doing it correctly. Otherwise- you're adding strenth to dysfunction and your back to the realm of pain you started with.

And after that class- I worked with one of my teachers who is doing a research study on therapeutic ultrasound and the effects it has on blood flow. Seriously- ultrasound is the GREATEST! I am always amazed with the amazing things it's used for. I love it!

Cole's girls have a winning streak! 3 straight wins in a row- ok, one of them was a scrimage. But still- we're pretty excited! And later this evening the Burley Boys will be ballin' again! Please bless that I dont have to keep score! haha.'s the weekend! I'm a little excited. We'll be having a Super Bowl party at our apartment- I only recently discovered this which came as quite the surprise because Cole usually isn't the party-planning type. Alas- we'll be having some of our married friends over to enjoy the game complete with little smokies, chips and dip, hamburgers, and dessert! I'm going for the Pittsburgh- not that I have any affinity for them but mostly because I have a strange hatred for the Packers even though I'm not sure why! I think it's because of their colors...same as my high school rivals. Blech!


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