Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Live, We Laugh, We Love!

So our first married Valentine's day was a little bit less exciting than how most people celebrate the holiday as newlyweds.
My sweet husband had a double header- well thats what they call it in baseball...you think they call it that in basketball? Well I say yes. Anyways he had two basketball games and he was coaching at 7pm. I had school and work all day until 6 and then went to the game. The girls parents were pretty sympathetic- "Awwwww"- they said "I'm sorry your this is your valentines day- thats so sad!" I wasn't really feeling too bad about it- not until then anyways! But there are couples who have it worse. A girl in one of my classes wouldnt see her husband at all- he worked at a restraunt and was working from 6pm to 1am- her plans were going to the gym to watch the Bachelor. I was grateful I at least got to sit from the bleachers and watch my husband!
I also lost my phone during the day- which really should not seem like as big of deal as it is but I was freaking out. But I would like to state for the record that I didnt realize I lost it until I was done with classes....which MEANS- I was NOT texting during class. Yeah- thats a big deal...I've got senior-itis to the extreme, OK? Don't Judge! But....like always- I was getting ahead of myself thinking "What am I going to do tomorrow to wake up...I dont have an alarm clock!"....it was 2pm when I lost it. Alright- I admit it- I'm a little dramatic!
But the girl who found it got ahold of Cole (he mocked me later- dont you worry!) and she brought it to me at work. Bless the little hearts of honest BYU students!
So after the game- we had to go to Provo to pick up my car and then spent a little quality Valentines day time with the Burley Boys. We live quite the life of romance, do we not? But its always fun to see them. And then we headed for home.
By the time we made it to our apartment, we were ready for bed. We crawled into pajamas and I washed my face and brushed my teeth along with the rest of my nightly routine...I swear it feels like hours when you're that tired! When I came to lie down- Cole had chocolates and his Valentines Day Journal on my nightstand and he was pretending to be asleep! I love my husband! It doesn't matter what we do, how simple or crazy or hectic that our Valentines Day was- he knew just the perfect way to show me he loves me. I have the greatest husband and I'm so lucky to have him. We laugh a lot, we love each other more every day, and we can't wait for what the future holds.
8 months in and still Head Over Heels!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sledding, Crab legs, and Bull riding...What could be better?

Ok...so I thought that I would put up some pictures from the beginning of January when we went home to be with my parents and Matthew and Anita. We took Anita sledding...Komma style. First of all- we don't like to be cold- none of us. We dont camp and we dont spend an excessive amount of time in the snow. So we had all predetermined that whoever got cold first... we were done! I love my family!

My friend Amber came...I think her fiance was snowboarding or something so she came with us! Jorgen missed out!

This is my first time going sledding in seriously...YEARS!

And here's my big bro with his sweet Floridian wifey! Awwww...I love them! Poor Anita got to experience Wyoming's brutal winters. The day we all left- it was 20 degrees below zero! Brrrrr! But we're pretty excited to go see them in Florida in April with a bit of a different background!!!

While we were all home- we celebrated in the best Komma way we know how...with crab legs!!We love our seafood! And then we had a bunch a friends over...it was basically a big couple party. Shelly and Nick, Amber and Jorgen, Matt and Anita, My Mom and Dad, and Cole and I. It was so fun to be with that many couples. Shelly and Nick and Amber and Jorgen are getting married about a month apart- it was so fun to hear about all of their plans and I cannot wait for their weddings this spring/summer!

And when we came back to Utah-we spent some time with Cole's family. This is NaShai's little boy Parker and he LOVES Uncle Cole. Every time Parker sees Cole laying on the floor (which is a lot- Cole likes to lay on the floor! haha) Parker comes and climbs on to "ride the bull" The picture is Cole getting him in position and then he says "Give em' to me boys!" And Parker just lights up when he starts being rumbled around.

When he's done with his 8 second ride...he looks up to the rest of the family for applause- which we give him. Then he climbs off Cole but then remounts to do it again. Cute Little Cowboy in the making!


Lovin the Fam!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's been a pretty spectacular day! I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps its the fact that I slept through my athletic training class for the third time this week. Which if you havent figured out...means I didnt go at all this whole week! Ok- and lets be honest. It's not even early. Well thats not true...it is early- for ME! I feel like the optimal time for sleeping is when everyone else wakes up... between 8am-10am...awwww Nirvana!

Though I've missed class and have a ton of reading and making up to do- some how its worth it...I'm in a fantastic, wonderful, very good mood- which I'm sure the patients I work with will be thrilled with.

But I did end up going to my personal training class- which I really love. For my exercise perscription class- I have to write an exercise program and try to get it published in a magazine. And for a required assignment for a class...I'm super excited about it. Rare- I know! A few of my classes this semester have made me really enjoy my major! What I'm working on is the differences between tradition training and functional fitness. When my teacher first started talking about functional fitness...I thought it was a crock- but the more we've done with it, I really think its amazing! Its about strengthening the correct muscles and relaxing muscles that are overcompensating. The big thing with functional fitness is foam rolling. Sounds stupid right? It kinda looks stupid too...but its awesome! It's about being pain free because when you're body isn't working properly or is trying to correct imbalances its almost always accompanied by more than mild discomfort. Its more than just getting out and exercising...it's doing it correctly. Otherwise- you're adding strenth to dysfunction and your back to the realm of pain you started with.

And after that class- I worked with one of my teachers who is doing a research study on therapeutic ultrasound and the effects it has on blood flow. Seriously- ultrasound is the GREATEST! I am always amazed with the amazing things it's used for. I love it!

Cole's girls have a winning streak! 3 straight wins in a row- ok, one of them was a scrimage. But still- we're pretty excited! And later this evening the Burley Boys will be ballin' again! Please bless that I dont have to keep score! haha.

AND...it's the weekend! I'm a little excited. We'll be having a Super Bowl party at our apartment- I only recently discovered this which came as quite the surprise because Cole usually isn't the party-planning type. Alas- we'll be having some of our married friends over to enjoy the game complete with little smokies, chips and dip, hamburgers, and dessert! I'm going for the Pittsburgh- not that I have any affinity for them but mostly because I have a strange hatred for the Packers even though I'm not sure why! I think it's because of their colors...same as my high school rivals. Blech!