Monday, July 19, 2010

The Story of Us...How I Met Cole

There are a lot of things that were put in my life that I'm convinced were preparing me for Cole. And quite a few events as well. My friend Amber and I always played a game we called Dibs- basically we called "dibs" on attractive guys and said "pass" if they were less attractive. It sounds stupid- but it was so much fun. That "dibs" information will be relevant later. My freshman year at BYU, I hated it. School was hard, I didn't really have that many friends here because I was in a freshman ward- which I despised, and I always thought when you came to BYU, you were supposed to be going on dates like every weekend. Which I wasn't. I felt like I was doing something wrong. But I did make two friends that year that would play a role in my meeting Cole, Kaylee and Allison. Kaylee was my next door neighbor in the dorms and we bonded over Pocahontas. Allison was my biology TA that I became really good friends with throughout the semester that she would help me study. The summer before my junior year, where I was planning on living kinda fell apart. Kaylee randomely texted me to ask me if I would want to live in the house she was living in. She was surprised when I said yes. When I moved out to school, I met up with Allison on campus and we ran into one of her friends she had known from before, Jordan (who is now engaged to my beautiful roommate Corina...also from the arch house). That didn't seem like an important encounter- Allison introduced us but that was pretty much it. The next day I went to our ward- the BYU 243rd ward. I remember being in Sunday School when I saw a really good looking guy with a belt buckle.... this goes back to my usual instincts with Amber....and I called dibs. But jokingly- I could have never known what that would have turned into. That night Jordan invited my roommates and I to their house. And I met Cole. I'm not sure how we wound up together- I was getting ready for bed before we decided to go over there- I was wearing my glasses, basketball shorts, and a t-shirt! Haha. Weird how things work out. And that was the first time I met him. He was so funny but quiet, so not everyone knew how funny he was. And I loved that! Everything was just so easy with him. It fell right into place and he was what I had always looked for. I remember we held hands like a week after we'd met and I asked my brothers- as was my usual routine with anything relationship guidance I ever needed. They told me to stop holding his hand until he took me out on a real date. I always asked for their advice....but but that didn't mean I followed it! :-) It was hard...and he was so cute!

1 comment:

  1. love this! so glad you lived with me so we could get married. haha who would've thought?
