Monday, July 19, 2010

Wedding Day ~ Mount Timpanogos Temple

Yeah....We're Married!!!!
I wish I could say it went off without a hitch...but that would be the furthest from the reality of our perfectly imperfect wedding day!

They're had been a lot of chaos with the wedding. To goes back to way before we were ever married!

My friend Kaylee got married in February to her awesome little Aussie Phil....I was a bridesmaid (the first wedding of the 4 I would be in in 5 months...including my own). I also made her wedding cake during midterm exams.

After brother Matthew married his southern beauty, Anita to start off the weddings for the family! They got married in the Orlando, Florida temple! It was beautiful. My family was nearly late- per usual. But nothing could ruin their day. After that we went to West Palm for their Open House at Anita's home...Her parents by the way are wonderful....AND brilliant! Their children will be little geniuses! But a big congrats to my big bro and his amazing wife!

After the craziness of flying to the other side of the country for Matthew's wedding, Cole and I wrapped up our Winter Semester and he moved back to Idaho until we got married- which, by the way, was less than awesome. That was followed by Kalob & Elise's wedding. They got married in Boise and the weather was beautiful. Elise decorated their reception amazingly- apparently she had had it planned for a very long time. Black and Red made for beautiful wedding colors.

During all of this, I had decided to take spring classes while I was working, planning a wedding, and making my own wedding cake. It all got crazy a couple of weeks before the wedding when the turquoise boots I had ordered weren't going to be here for the wedding. I thought that was the biggest of my problems...boy was I wrong! I got white boots instead and I thought the rest was smooth sailin! Again--very very wrong! The week before I had finals, while working, moving out of my apartment, making my own wedding cake, travelling back to Casper, and finalizing all the plans. The day before the wedding, I drove to Utah- picked Matt & Anita up from the airport and began all the little things like picking up the flowers and my dress. Sitting at my Aunt's house is when I got the worst possible news for a wedding- (well I guess other than the groom or something wouldn't be there)
- my photographer wouldn't be there.
Not quite according to plan! Haha
She found a random photographer in Utah to take her place who turned out to be simply amazing and actually knew Matthew from before. It worked out but I went to take pictures with her the morning of my wedding and didn't even know her name and hadn't seen her work. But a big shout out to Natalie Meibos of Captured by Natalie Photography! She was so fun and I'll forever be grateful for her willingness to commit to shoot a wedding at 11pm the night before the actual wedding.

Then...the women in the temple were- well, less than cordial. They were yelling at me, but whispering...because it's the temple- nevermind the fact it was my wedding day. They kept saying "You're so late- why are you so late?" Which, for the first time in my life- I was not....I know- Shocker! I was there at 1:00 and our sealing was scheduled for 2:00 And then they kept saying "well you have to hurry or we'll miss the session" and "you cant wear that dress- we have to get permission from the temple president" and then "you can leave your stuff right there in the bridal room" and then five minutes later another lady yells at me "why are you leaving your stuff there- you can't do that- you have to move it and we have to go" So all the rushing and then we had to sit for 20 minutes and wait....But then we went into the sealing room and everything

was finally peaceful for the first time in I dont even know how long. I knew thats where we were supposed to be and all of the difficulties of the wedding made so much sense. Satan had been endeavoring to ruin the most important day of our lives. Of course he would, we were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing through God's authority given to that Temple Sealer to seal us together for not only time but for all eternity. It was beautiful. It was wonderful. And it was worth it.

And then we walked out of the temple...Mr. and Mrs. Nelson! I was so happy. And then we found out that someone had hit the Olive Garden where we were going to have our dinner with their car. At that point- I just laughed... of course it did! My dad said "For all the planning you did- it's amazing how everything went wrong!" So true- but it made the day more memorable. The important things were still what were important. We had amazing friends and family there to support us and I was finally married to the Love of my life! Nothing else mattered.

Well...thats our wedding! Perfectly imperfect....but it's ours and it's forever!
Mrs. Head-Over-Heels

Our Engagement. January 30, 2010

Cole and I had known for quite a while that we would be getting married. In fact- we had decided on our wedding date in December. Since both of my brothers would also be getting married- we were also busy working out when would be the best time around those important events as well. I had taken Cole back to Casper to meet my family the first weekend in January because Matthew and Anita were there and I wanted Cole to meet them too. I knew he had talked to my dad so I knew we were basically just waiting for the ring. The week before he proposed- we were at the jewelry store and they said that a wax molding would be ready on Monday. Cole and I were leaving town for the weekend to go to Elba- now I know it was to propose- but I dont remember what the reason was that he told me we were going for. I was not expecting it at all because Cole had told me we would go look at the wax molding of the ring on Monday when I got out of class.
When we were in Idaho, we were watching TV on the couch in the living room with his mom. He asked me if I wanted to go check on the calves with him. I was like "Sure- I like cows!" Its almost embarrassing how I didn't see any of it coming.... and I'm usually so good at that- figuring out things- I hate secrets and surprises...but I guess this one was worth it. So we were driving in the meadow and he said "I need to go look over there for calves. Will you get in the box in the back seat and get the medicine out for me?" I said sure, but inside my head I was thinking- I wonder what

kind of medicine he has for the calves, we dont have medicine for our baby calves. I'm so clueless. So I open the box and take off the top shelf of it and there in the bottom is a ring box with a big turquoise ribbon tied in a bow. By this time- he had come to my side of the truck and I turned around and said "What is this?" He told me I had to open it to find out. The next thing I had to say was "You lied to me!" He laughed and got down on one knee. He had picked that spot special because it was his favorite spot on the ranch and that we could always come back to where we got engaged. I loved it. It was perfect! And the bow was turquoise....he knows me so well!

After that, I tried to call my family- of course none of them answered. But when they finally did and I talked to my Dad, he just laughed and said "Only you-Jamie would get engaged in a cow pasture!" How true that statement probably is! I always dreamed of marrying a cowboy. Who knew I'd get what I wanted? Calling dibs on the boy with the buckle in my ward was the smartest thing I ever did!

The Story of Us...How I Met Cole

There are a lot of things that were put in my life that I'm convinced were preparing me for Cole. And quite a few events as well. My friend Amber and I always played a game we called Dibs- basically we called "dibs" on attractive guys and said "pass" if they were less attractive. It sounds stupid- but it was so much fun. That "dibs" information will be relevant later. My freshman year at BYU, I hated it. School was hard, I didn't really have that many friends here because I was in a freshman ward- which I despised, and I always thought when you came to BYU, you were supposed to be going on dates like every weekend. Which I wasn't. I felt like I was doing something wrong. But I did make two friends that year that would play a role in my meeting Cole, Kaylee and Allison. Kaylee was my next door neighbor in the dorms and we bonded over Pocahontas. Allison was my biology TA that I became really good friends with throughout the semester that she would help me study. The summer before my junior year, where I was planning on living kinda fell apart. Kaylee randomely texted me to ask me if I would want to live in the house she was living in. She was surprised when I said yes. When I moved out to school, I met up with Allison on campus and we ran into one of her friends she had known from before, Jordan (who is now engaged to my beautiful roommate Corina...also from the arch house). That didn't seem like an important encounter- Allison introduced us but that was pretty much it. The next day I went to our ward- the BYU 243rd ward. I remember being in Sunday School when I saw a really good looking guy with a belt buckle.... this goes back to my usual instincts with Amber....and I called dibs. But jokingly- I could have never known what that would have turned into. That night Jordan invited my roommates and I to their house. And I met Cole. I'm not sure how we wound up together- I was getting ready for bed before we decided to go over there- I was wearing my glasses, basketball shorts, and a t-shirt! Haha. Weird how things work out. And that was the first time I met him. He was so funny but quiet, so not everyone knew how funny he was. And I loved that! Everything was just so easy with him. It fell right into place and he was what I had always looked for. I remember we held hands like a week after we'd met and I asked my brothers- as was my usual routine with anything relationship guidance I ever needed. They told me to stop holding his hand until he took me out on a real date. I always asked for their advice....but but that didn't mean I followed it! :-) It was hard...and he was so cute!

Intro to the Blog World

I didn't ever think I'd become a blogger... but the many hours at work spent on facebook were proving to be a bad idea. For some reason, the people you dislike the most are the people who post the most and show up in your feed ALL the time. So...I've decided to start a blog. It will probably take the place of my journalling- which I dont do very often either. So we'll see how this works out. And I'm not telling anyone I have a blog until I think it could be at a point where it might be somewhat interesting to read....I'm not sure if it will ever get to that point!